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Dalmeny Bible ChurchA lot has been happening here at Dalmeny Bible Church; we’re excited to share our updates with you all! We underwent a major renovation in our church last summer/fall. During the renovation, we tore out four old furnaces and replaced them with a boiler system which has proven to be very effective and has kept areas of the church warm where we otherwise had no heat. We were blessed to receive updates from Global Partners recently, featuring Dave Thiessen's journey to Brazil, Greg Benson's report on Ranger Lake Bible Camp, and Tim Good's insights from Camp Kadesh. The accounts shared were truly exciting, offering a glimpse into the remarkable work God is accomplishing through these ministries. The ladies enjoyed a rejuvenating and fellowship-filled women’s retreat at Quest on Christopher Lake where Christa Willems and Charman Hoff led the devotionals. Additionally, the ladies also enjoyed a Saturday brunch with speaker Maureen Reimer. We hosted a conference for our church called @home on March 23. The goal of this conference was to talk through the importance of faith formation practices in developing the faith of the next generation. We talked together as parents, grandparents, and other people of influence about how we best disciple at different stages and practical ideas of how we can build into our kids. It was a time of great discussion and personal reflection. We are hopeful that these conversations were only the start of a larger ongoing focus on discipleship. In March, we enjoyed joint Easter Services with the Dalmeny Community Church. On Good Friday, we attended their service, and on Easter Sunday, they celebrated the Resurrection at our church. We also joined forces with them to run VBS over the Easter break. Lastly, preparations are underway for your arrival in July for Connect 24 and we are excited to welcome you to our church! See you then! Marilyn Harder, Correspondent Faith Evangelical Bible Church
We also updated the lighting and ceiling fixtures to create a brighter and more inviting atmosphere within the space. We hope these improvements foster a sense of warmth and welcome for both current members and newcomers alike. We have also experienced growth and welcomed new families in recent months, reflecting the vibrant and inclusive nature of our community. In other news, the Ladies Ministry (Mums) is preparing for their final gathering in April, concluding a fruitful season of fellowship and enrichment. The ministry will resume its activities in September, coinciding with the start of the new school year. Recently, Pastor Bryan Conrad and his family hosted a memorable Passover Seder at the church, drawing a crowd of 130 attendees eager to celebrate this significant event together. As the school year draws to a close, both the Awana Ministry and Jr. High Youth Group are wrapping up their activities. The Awana Awards night is scheduled for April 17, honoring the accomplishments of students throughout the year. Meanwhile, the High School Youth Group continues to thrive, with a consistent turnout of 20-30 students every Sunday evening. We are the sole host of High School students on Sunday evenings in the area, attracting attendees from various churches. Notably, twelve students and four adult sponsors participated in Wintertainment in Wisconsin this year, fostering camaraderie and spiritual growth. Alice Decker, Correspondent Heartland Bible ChurchOn Saturday, March 23, we had a well-attended Men’s Breakfast featuring a testimony from Mike Voss and an encouraging reminder from Pastor Scott about the surpassing worth of knowing Jesus Christ. And, of course, delicious breakfast casseroles! On Tuesday, March 26, partnering with Child Evangelism Fellowship, we hosted a Good News Party Club at the local elementary school where we host a weekly Good News Club. We invited the entire school and about 60 people attended. During this time, we utilized the opportunity to present to the parents of our regular Good News Club attendees the Bible verses and songs that their children have been learning throughout the school year. One of our youth group students taught the Bible lesson on the real meaning of Easter: the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Families were given pizza, drinks, and a goodie bag which included Gospel tracts and an invitation to Heartland for Good Friday and Easter services. We are encouraged by the willingness of many in our church to make the Party Club happen. Pastor Scott began a new preaching series on the book of Revelation on Sunday, April 7. He finished his series in Ephesians on February 25 after starting in June 2021. We have welcomed five new members thus far in 2024. We observed the loss of two significant long-time members of Heartland: John (Jack) Nebelsick and Trudy Reimer who both passed away in late January. They will be missed! Pastor Adam Fischer Indian Head Community ChurchIndian Head, Saskatchewan Justin Epp, Pastor
A new addition this winter included Woodworking Club for older children and Craft Club for younger ones, led by skilled church members. Each eight-week session culminated in a showcase evening that parents and church members were invited to attend. The showcase provided a chance for everyone to socialize and see the various projects completed by the children. It was also a great opportunity to share the Gospel. We are grateful for God’s blessing on this outreach and look forward to seeing how He will continue to use it in our church and community. Sarah Pacio, Correspondent Jansen Bible Church
Our women's Spring Fling of Beauty event reached out to friends in the community, offering a beautiful setting, a hearty supper, and inspirational talks highlighting the beauty of a heart aligned with God through the indwelling Holy Spirit. A men's breakfast and Bible study have commenced on the first Saturday of each month in the church fellowship hall. Our upcoming Spring Bible Conference is scheduled for April 13 & 14, featuring Trevor Rubenstein from Chosen People Ministries, who will speak on the overall picture of the Middle East and Eschatological matters. A Sunday noon meal will follow the conference. Preparations are underway for our Vacation Bible School (VBS), which is set to take place from June 10-14, running from 9 AM to 12 PM each day. Tena Dick, Correspondent Langham Evangelical Bible ChurchLangham, Saskatchewan Greg Guarnett, Pastor Our Kids Club has wrapped up for another season with 75 children (ages 3 – 12) taking part. We pray the Gospel will take root in their young lives. Our Ladies Salad Supper is a delicious annual event, and this year we have our own Erin Oliver sharing a message of encouragement from Psalm 23. Looking to the future, we are praying for Pastor Matt as he studies for his FEBC ordination council. We are blessed to have solid Bible teaching from our pastors Greg and Matt. Marilyn Friesen, Correspondent Randville Bible ChurchIron Mountain, Michigan Jim Janofski, Pastor We rejoice to see hints of springtime on the horizon in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan and again are reminded of the majesty of our great Creator and His faithfulness, both in creation as well as in our daily lives. As always, at Randville Bible Church, we have continued to center our services on the beloved Word of God. In our fellowship, this takes several forms:
In addition we will focus on brief character sketches of two specific disciples:
There have been a number of highlights during the fall and winter. As is customary, in September, we celebrated Grandparents' Sunday, recognizing the significant role grandparents play in the lives of younger generations. We highlighted the importance of grandparents in demonstrating their love for the Lord through their godly examples, spending time with younger ones, and creating lasting memories. Furthermore, we acknowledged the profound impact of grandparents' prayers for future generations. And on the last Sunday in September, "World Bible Translation Sunday", we rejoiced to hear of additional people groups who now have the entire Word of God or portions of Scripture in their own languages. And yet, our hearts were heavy for those many groups who do not yet have access to God's precious Word in their own languages. Our prayer focus is for God's blessings on ongoing translation work and for the life changing power of God's Word to be very evident as a result. The final Sunday of October marked our Anniversary Sunday, where we celebrated nearly 90 years of ministry in the Randville area and reflected on God's blessings upon our small church throughout this time. We also commemorated Veterans' Appreciation Sunday in November as well as Thanksgiving. We lifted our voices in praise for God's many blessings. In December, we held our traditional "Celebration of Carols" service, featuring participation from many individuals showcasing their vocal talents and musical skills on a variety of instruments including brass, woodwind, Appalachian dulcimers, a ukulele ensemble, and a bell choir comprised of individuals of all ages. What a joy to rejoice in the reality of the Incarnation of our Savior! More recently, our hearts were lifted by the reminders of Palm Sunday and the thrilling, life changing reality of the Resurrection—He is not here: He is RISEN!!! May the Lord continue to bless each of the churches of our fellowship for His glory and the edification of His people! Pastor Jim Janofski Rock Valley ChapelBeloit, Wisconsin Tim Johnson, Pastor Many exciting things have happened at Rock Valley Chapel in the new year! We’re excited to share a recap with all of you -
Salem ChurchSalem ministry has continued as close to normal as possible since the July 2023 storm damaged our roof, rendering our sanctuary unusable. Our weekly Sunday services have been held in the gym, with chairs, stage and sound equipment set up and taken down each weekend to allow space for all the mid-week ministries that are running as usual. The sanctuary repairs began at the beginning of February and are still progressing. We look forward to when we will be able to use that side of our building again. In partnership with our town’s MB church, the Alpha Course was run from January through March. Good conversations, heartfelt questions, and convictions were shared after each video session. Our Brigade program is looking forward to putting on their annual CSB Racenight. The boys have been hard at work building their cars and making all the preparations for the big event. Parents and community members alike are looking forward to attending and cheering on the boys! Both the church-wide small groups and the senior youth are planning their involvement in service opportunities in the next couple of months. We kindly request prayers for these groups, seeking opportunities not only to provide practical support but also to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ whenever possible. Shawna Mwakikuti, Correspondent Stuartburn Gospel ChurchStuartburn, Manitoba Mark Funk, Pastor Greetings to the churches. We are thankful for the body and the opportunity to serve one another in love. There have been a number of serious health matters and much grief amongst us in the recent months. Opportunities to practice being mindful of others have shown themselves: from bringing meals, hospital visitations, sending a card or flowers, upholding one another in prayer, sending a message as a little encouragement, or a short visit. There are so many ways we can be the hands and feet of Jesus. Lord help us to be faithful and compassionate. Being faithful shows itself in many ways. Here at SGC we are blessed for the many who serve and take part in AWANA. We have an average attendance of 45 children every Wednesday night, and around 20 leaders and helpers both young and old. God is so good! We just recently had our AWANA Grand Prix; children, parents and grandparents, and friends attended. Then again on Friday evening we have Youth. The youth from our community, many of them unchurched, are excited to come and take part. At times, it is a challenge for the leaders to meet all the needs of the youth. Please pray for wisdom and guidance as they live out their faith and teach and guide the youth. There are on average 25-30 youth and 4 leaders/helpers per night. Every Tuesday evening, we come together for the Old Testament Survey. It has been a blast to study the scriptures together, challenge our memory, and be reminded of God’s faithfulness through all generations. Pastor Mark does a great job with running this class and drawing us into the text with a variety of handouts and readings, reciting the 66 Old Testament Books and their main characters and main themes and highlights in them. It is always an encouraging time, with fellowship and food involved. The Scriptures exhort us not to forsake gathering together, but rather to encourage one another, especially as the Day draws near (Hebrews 10:25). At our church, we uphold this principle through various bi-weekly small groups, each diving into a different book of the Bible, including Genesis, Mark, Galatians, Ephesians, and Philippians. These gatherings offer opportunities for deeper connections among members as they engage in mutual encouragement, spiritual growth, and communal prayer. Community outreach has been an ongoing theme for our congregation. On March 17, we came together with Vita Bible Church and hosted a Fish Fry in the Vita Hall, a joint service open to the community. We had a good turnout with praise, worship, a message on the importance of prayer, and great food. Fish, fries, and coleslaw were the main course and several tables loaded with dainties. This is an ongoing ministry we try to practice annually. A huge thank you goes out to Landis and Lucille Loeppky, who supply all the fish. Following their discussion on the significance of prayer during the Fish Fry event, Pastor Mark and Pastor Jonathan from VBC collaborated to organize a week-long prayer initiative during Passion Week. Each day, they provided a specific theme for meditation along with corresponding scriptures and prayer points. Members from both SGC and VBC congregations gathered three times throughout the week, culminating in a joint Communion service on Thursday evening to reflect on the life and sacrifice of our Lord and Savior. Praise His holy name! Praise be to God for His sovereignty and provision over us! Eileina Niessan, Correspondent
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