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Our Core Values
God - He is worthy of our love, worship and obedience. Our purpose is to glorify God and enjoy Him forever.
The Bible - It is the infallible, authoritative rule for faith and practice. God’s Word is properly understood through normal, historical-grammatical, literal Interpretation. It forms the foundation of our worldview.
Christian maturity - Believers are to be trained up and encouraged to become mature in Christ.
Salvation for all people - We are each responsible for the clear proclamation of the Gospel of Jesus Christ to people of every ethnicity, locally and throughout the world.
Our Anabaptist Heritage - This has shaped our understanding of believer's baptism; the priesthood of every believer; biblically qualified elders; biblical church discipline; autonomy of the local church; and separate functions for church and state.
The local church - We are communities of local believers who meet to worship, train and encourage each other to love and good works. Our churches are autonomous yet interdependent.
Family - The family unit is the basic structure of society, composed of a man and a woman mutually committed to a lifelong marriage relationship; nurturing and training the children God gives to love and obey God and serve one another
Jesus’ return - The blessed hope of Jesus’ return motivates us to live holy lives, to fulfill the Great Commission, and to persevere in our faith.