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Crosspoint Bible ChurchAs we look back on 2024 with gratitude and ahead to 2025 with eager anticipation, we are reminded that God is truly at work among us, regularly revealing His possibilities and promises. November and December were a time of fellowship, service, and celebration. The Crosspoint women held their annual Friendsgiving on November 14, inviting friends to enjoy food, laughter, and the Gospel message. Also in November, we once again participated in Operation Christmas Child, packing more than 150 boxes for this vital ministry. On December 12, the Ladies’ Christmas Tea featured speaker Susie Edgar, who shared her experience of God’s care during a season of great upheaval in her life and family. Our Advent sermon series focused on the book of John. On December 15, our Sunday morning Christmas program, “A Morning at the Manger,” reminded all who attended of the hope found in the gift of Jesus. Special music and narration during the program, followed by refreshments in the foyer, made for a particularly meaningful morning. Now, as we move forward, Spring will soon be upon us, reminding us of renewal—not only in God’s creation but also in our hearts. May we embrace the coming months with a humble recognition of all that God offers us each day. Julie Sibert, Correspondent Dalmeny Bible ChurchChristmas events were a ladies Christmas potluck and dessert supper with carol singing and a skit; a program presented by the children; our annual Peppernut and Apple Cider morning; Christmas Eve Candlelight Service. The year ended with a New Year’s Eve party at the church with games and snacks. We heard from Dave and Jan T; Brian and Nikki H; Darcy and Verna T who spent time in Cambodia with Harvest For Kids. Our Annual Ladies Retreat was held at the end of January. 30 ladies attended and then the next weekend was a guy event which included lots of good food and watching the football playoff together. Marilyn Harder, Correspondent Indian Head Community ChurchIndian Head, Saskatchewan Justin Epp, Pastor Christmas celebrations were in full swing at Indian Head Community Bible Church. Each Sunday of Advent, a family from the congregation shared a meaningful Scripture reading and lit a candle in the Advent wreath to start the worship service. Pastor Justin preached topical sermons to coordinate with this, reminding everyone of the hope, joy, and peace brought by Jesus’ birth. Children from the Sunday School classes prepared and presented a play about the Christmas story during the Sunday service on Dec. 22. Church members also looked forward to the candlelight service on Christmas Eve, which focused on Scripture readings and carol singing. Now, as we step into the new year, the congregation fondly remembers these special moments of worship, fellowship, and celebration. Though the Christmas season has passed, its message of hope and joy continues to inspire us as we embrace the opportunities and blessings of the year ahead. Sarah Pacio, Correspondent Jansen Bible ChurchJansen, Nebraska Paul Carpenter, Pastor On November 3, Jordan and Trisha Schlake were commissioned for their missionary service with The Evangelical Alliance Mission (TEAM). Along with their two sons, Roen and Matai, they planned to leave for Japan in February for their first four-year term. Jordan, the son of Kendall and Lola Schlake, had been studying Japanese independently for several years; however, their first year abroad would be dedicated to language study. Operation Christmas Child reported reaching 12 million needy children with gifts and the gospel this past year. It was our joy to help contribute to that goal. Awana kids and their families generously donated nonperishable foods to stock the shelves of the local food pantry for the season. Our ladies and girls enjoyed a Christmas brunch on Saturday, December 7. The event featured a thought-provoking quiz on Christmas Bible questions, followed by a white elephant gift exchange. The Awana kids were excited for Store Night on December 18, where they had the opportunity to spend the Awana dollars they earned for learning Bible verses. On December 22 at 5:00 PM, the church hosted the Christmas program, a play titled "Keeping Watch – Christmas Through the Eyes of Shepherds." The program was followed by a soup supper in the Fellowship Hall. The New Year’s Eve Carry-In Dinner began at 7:00 PM, offering an evening of games, snacks, and fellowship to welcome the year 2025. As we move forward in the new year, we reflect on these joyful moments and anticipate the continued work of God in our community. Tena Dick, Correspondent Langham Evangelical Bible ChurchLangham, Saskatchewan Greg Guarnett, Pastor God has blessed us here in Saskatchewan with a long warm autumn! September brought the startup of weekly fall ministries including adult Sunday School class, children’s church, Parent & Tots, and Junior Youth. Kids Clubs for ages 3 through to Grade 6 began in October. Our External Ministries committee collected diaper & formula donations for Pregnancy Options Centre in Saskatoon; this as well as supporting several Teen Challenge students on an annual basis. We were privileged in October to have the Teen Challenge ladies from Prairie Hope Women’s Centre share with us how God is changing lives there! Women’s Ministry also organized a pizza and visiting evening at Prairie Hope in January of each year to encourage the ladies. Two care home ministries continue year-round on a monthly/bi-weekly basis as well. In January, we also had the joy of hosting our annual Awana Race. Pastor Mathew Oliver, his daughter Gemma, and another one of our Kids Club leaders, Angela, are pictured below. Annually in the fall, a day-long Women’s Seminar refreshes ladies in their walk with Jesus through video, fellowship, meals and singing. New this year, Pastor Matt organized a half-day Parenting Conference to equip and uphold moms and dads as they navigate parenthood. We are grateful for the love, care and teaching that our pastors and elder team provide for our church family. Marilyn Friesen, Correspondent Martensville Mission ChurchMartensville, Saskatchewan Justin Klassen, Pastor Happy New Year! At the conclusion of the Advent sermon series, Pastor Justin continued his series on the Book of Exodus. Pastor Brolin has been leading our youth in a study of the Sermon on the Mount. The youth are exploring Jesus’ vision of life in the Kingdom of Heaven versus life in the world. Looking ahead, plans are underway to take a group of youth to the “Always Ready” Ligonier Ministries Youth Conference in Calgary in early March. The conference will focus on finding our identities in Christ and bearing His image to the world around us. Highlights from last fall included the youth’s second annual progressive supper on October 1, where they enjoyed dining and dashing from one house to another for their meal. Other memorable moments were our Thanksgiving potluck and the collection of Samaritan’s Purse Christmas boxes. Recognizing that some individuals find it difficult to shop for the boxes, the church has facilitated donations over the years, allowing volunteers to shop on behalf of others. The Sunday School children then pack the boxes, and on dedication Sunday in November, they process into the sanctuary, each carrying a box. It took several trips from the foyer to the front of the church to stack them all neatly! We were blessed during the Christmas season with the sermon series on Advent, “The Story of Redemption,” and with various outreach and fellowship opportunities. These included preparing food hampers and other gifts for families in need, as well as events such as the Ladies’ Fellowship Supper, a special Ladies’ Christmas Bible Study, the “Christmas Traditions…Then and Now” production by the Sunday School and youth, the Christmas Banquet, the Coffee House, and, of course, our Christmas Eve Service. Since this past fall, before the children are invited to Children’s Church, both children and adults have been learning a Bible verse together. At the beginning of each month, a new “Verse of the Month” is introduced through a video featuring the Bible Verse Man—a six-year-old member of our congregation. In the video, he recites the verse and invites everyone to join him. Even at such a young age, he is demonstrating leadership. Way to go, Bible Verse Man! Brenda Quirt, Correspondent Randville Bible ChurchIron Mountain, Michigan Jim Janofski, Pastor The Upper Peninsula of Michigan had entered that hushed season of silence: snow had fallen, and winter was upon us. Once again, we were reminded of God's faithfulness in all seasons, including the "seasons" of life. Even more so, the colorful lights of Christmas recently reminded us of the One who is the Light of the World, and the familiar carols pointed us to the birth of our Savior. "For unto you is born this day a Savior"—the angels' words echo across the ages as we once again commemorated the joy of Jesus' birth. The highlight of December was our annual "Celebration of Carols." This musical journey to Bethlehem began with the prophecies of the coming Messiah, the reading of Luke 2, and beloved carols featuring a variety of vocal ensembles. The musical message was further enriched instrumentally, with performances on piano, guitar, harp, baritone ukulele, trombone, trumpet, soprano saxophone, autoharp, Appalachian dulcimer ensemble, ukuleles, hammered dulcimer, handbell choir, violin, tenor, and plectrum banjo. As always, we were in awe of the power of the Incarnation: "God with us: Emmanuel." Thanks be to God for His indescribable gift—the gift of His own Son, our Savior! What a joy and encouragement it was for our small church family to welcome so many friends and loved ones who gathered for this cherished annual event! As we move forward into 2025, we continue to reflect on "A Spiritual Challenge for the New Year," preparing our hearts to love and serve our Lord in the months ahead. Blessings to all in our fellowship as we embrace this new season with faith and gratitude. Pastor Jim Janofski Saron Mennonite ChurchFairview, Oklahoma Arnold Curby, Pastor We were privileged to have James and Laurel Pence visit Saron all the way from Texas. Jim shared an inspiring chalk art presentation and his story of God's protection during his sudden cardiac arrest almost four years ago. Our church participated in a Community Hymn Sing, sponsored by the Fairview Area Ministerial Alliance, on the first Sunday night in November. Will Nunn was one of four alternating pianists, and Pastor Curby helped lead the singing. Pastor Curby also sang in a quartet with fellow pastors, accompanied by Will Nunn on piano. More than 150 people attended the event. Operation Christmas Child shoeboxes were collected and brought forward for prayer on November 17 during the morning service. Volunteers worked throughout the following week to receive shoeboxes from other churches in northwest Oklahoma and then helped load the trucks for delivery to the distribution center in Dallas, Texas. Denise Nunn, the area coordinator, reported a total of 5,864 shoeboxes from our area. A group of young people and adults went caroling one Sunday night in December, and additional carol singing took place at the Christmas Open House hosted by the Curbys. We eagerly anticipated the annual Christmas Eve service, which featured special music and a contemporary retelling of the Christmas story performed by the young people. This production was written and directed by Charissa Nunn. In addition, guests were invited to bring friends along to enjoy games and refreshments on New Year's Eve. Grace Curby, Correspondent Stuartburn Gospel ChapelStuartburn, Manitoba Mark Funk, Pastor Greetings in the Lord! We are thankful for God’s people, “the more the merrier!” On November 3, we welcomed 5 more individuals into our membership. They blessed us with their testimonies during the Sunday This past season, we celebrated Christmas on December 23 with a candlelight evening service. The service included multiple Scripture readings, poems, special musical performances, and a shadow nativity skit. There was a strong turnout, and attendees enjoyed snacks, refreshments, and fellowship following the event. For a long time, we had been debating whether to install a chair lift, an elevator, or construct a new building. Recognizing the need for progress, we decided to move forward with a solution. Praise the Lord! Donations were made toward installing an elevator, allowing us to proceed. Beginning in early February, renovations will take place to accommodate the installation of the new elevator. We are truly excited for this improvement, as it will provide accessibility and be a blessing to many in our congregation. As we move toward the Easter season, we plan to hold a special week of prayer and adoration. Looking ahead, we remain committed to making disciples and reaching our neighbors with the love of Christ. May the Lord be exalted, honored, and glorified in and through our service. Eileina Niessan, Correspondent Vita Bible ChurchVita, Manitoba Jonathan Coutts, Pastor The month of November was particularly encouraging for us at Vita Bible Church. At the beginning of the month, we held fall meetings and invited our sister church in Stuartburn to join us. We were challenged to walk alongside those struggling with mental illness as supporters, not saviors, lending them our joy and strength when it is most challenging for them to find their own. Our speaker, Pastor Jeff Friesen from Hebron Bible Church in Nebraska, led six sessions on the impact of mental illness in our society and church family and how to support one another. Later that month, our Women’s Ministry group invited our sister churches to join us for a Ladies' Day on Saturday, November 23. One of our guest speakers, Jenny Gerbrandt, a local counselor, echoed Pastor Jeff’s message as she encouraged us to come alongside the hurting, offer a listening ear, bear one another’s burdens, and be the church we are called to be. In the afternoon, we enjoyed hearing a testimonial from a woman navigating her cancer journey. In December, Pastor Jonathan reminded us that one word should gain our attention and action. He urged us to refocus and truly read and ponder the words of John 1. Jesus is the Word, the message we need to focus on not just during the Christmas season but every day, as we are reminded of His gift—the gift of salvation. We also hosted a community supper on the second Sunday of the month and a Sunday School Christmas program the following week. We finished off the year 2024 with a New Year’s Eve party at the church. This new year is off to a great start as we work together to fill our church positions and refocus and refresh our faith. Many of us are stepping into different roles within the church and discovering new ways to give our best to God. We were blessed by a baptismal service on January 19. Dylan and Jazmine Barnabe were baptized upon confession of their faith during the morning service. We rejoice that these two young people have a passion to follow God with obedient hearts. They were accepted into our membership as of February 9. Pastor Jonathan has resumed our study of the book of Acts, which he began in September of last year. We have all been encouraged by the challenges faced by the early church as well as the unfolding of God’s plan for them and for us. Each time they encountered hardship and persecution, it led to the spreading of God’s Word and the strengthening of His church. To God be all the glory—then, now, and forevermore! Tiffany Tuurenhout, Correspondent
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Scholarships & Elections 20238/1/2023 Recently, the FEBC Scholarship Team met to select recipients for the 2023-2024 school year. Congratulations to these awardees:
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