Serving on the Commission on Churches (CoC) are
Mark Funk (Chair - Stuartburn, MB); Paul Carpenter (Jansen, NE); Jonathan Coutts (Vita, MB);
Mike Ginther (Prince Albert, SK); Tim Johnson (Beloit, WI); Tim Knelsen (Rhineland, MB)
Their responsibilities include:
Mark Funk (Chair - Stuartburn, MB); Paul Carpenter (Jansen, NE); Jonathan Coutts (Vita, MB);
Mike Ginther (Prince Albert, SK); Tim Johnson (Beloit, WI); Tim Knelsen (Rhineland, MB)
Their responsibilities include:
- Examine and approve (in conjunction with the local church) all candidates for licensing and ordination to the ministry.
- Give assistance and advice to a local church in calling a pastor.
- Assist when requested in arranging for Bible conferences and evangelistic meetings.
- Encourage pastoral church leadership development.
- Advise and assist member churches in their exercise of biblical discipline.
- Withdraw credentials from ordained and licensed personnel who fail to respond to redemptive biblical discipline.